Seattle Hi-Fi Welcomes WyWires!

Always on the lookout for products that make a significant sonic contribution to any system as well as performing above and beyond their suggested retail price, we happened upon Alex Sventitsky’s Wywires.  Wywires came into existence after 8 years of research and empirical testing.  Over this period of time they became determined to set conventional wisdom on its ear and try something that no one else had tried.  While Wywires are heavily grounded in solid science and electrical engineering principles, their designs are something very unique where less is more.  We believe that WyWire’s counter intuitive approach has given the hi-fi world something to be excited about.

 WyWires characteristics include:

– Totally silent background between notes
– State of the art realism, especially vocals
– Greatly expanded soundstage in all dimensions including the vertical
– Take the edge off sibilance (SSS’s) while enhancing inner detail
– Present instruments in their lifelike scales
– The most natural rendering of tone, timbre, attack and decay
– State of the art definition and resolution of complex passages
– Excellent low-frequency performance that belies the size of your woofers
– Virtual elimination of irritation or listening fatigue

Remember, cables are as important a component as any other and the system is only as strong as its weakest link.



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